Platinum Grade - HIV AIDS Prevention Program Awards
Platinum Grade - COVID19 Prevention Program Awards
Platinum Grade - HIV AIDS Prevention Program Awards
Platinum Grade - COVID19 Prevention Program Awards
Zero Accident Awards
Prevention & Countermeasures of HIV-AIDS Program in workplace Awards
Prevention & Countermeasures of COVID19 Program in workplace Awards
Zero Accident Awards
Platinum Grade - COVID19 Prevention Program Awards
P2 COVID19 Program Awards
Zero Accident National Level Awards
Zero Accident Awards
Good Governance in standardization and Coal Mining Services Awards
Zero Accident Awards
Gold Grade - Participation in System Development of K3 Management
Green Grade - Quality, Performance, K3, Environment, & Energy Performance Awards
Participation in Construction of Mushola SD Negri 010 BatuKajang Awards
Blue Grade - Quality, Performance, K3, Environment, & Energy Program Awards
Silver Grade - Teamwork effort in K3 & Environment
Best Workshop Awards
Rank 2nd - Safety Talk Competition
Worktime Achievements Without Fatality Awards
Rank 2nd - Environmental Innovation
P2 COVID19 in workplace Program Awards
Green Grade - Quality Management System Performance in Coal Production
Gold Grade - Quality Management System Performance in Coal Hauling
Rank 1st - Energy & Emission Innovation Video Contest
Bayan Group Tabang Project
K3 Awards
Rank 1st - Emergency Action B3 & Waste B3
HIV-AIDS Prevention & Countermeasures in workplace Program Awards
COVID19 Prevention & Countermeasures in workplace Program Awards
P2 HIVAIDS in workplace Program Awards
Rank 4th - 5R Workshop Contest
Rank 4th - Wastes Countermeasures
Zero Accident Awards
Best Workshop Awards
Rank 2nd - Waste Care Contest
K3 Awards
Rank 3rd - Vehicle Accident Rescue Contest
Participation in Monthly K3 Awards
Rank 2nd - Waste Bank
Best Workshop Awards
Green Grade - Quality Performance, K3, Environment, & Energy Program
Gold Grade - Participation in K3 System Management Development
Rank 1st - 5R Workshop Contest
Zero Accident Awards
Best Workshop Awards
Zero Accident Awards
Rank 2nd - First Aid Competition Contest
Rank 2nd - Basic Life Support Contest
Best Workshop Awards
Best Mini Garden Awards
Rank 2nd - Medivac Contest
Silver Grade - Teamwork Effort in K3 & Environment